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Événements miniers en 2022 – Pourquoi les événements en personne relatifs à l’exploitation minière et aux investissements sont plus importants que jamais
Tandis que tous les secteurs continuent de se remettre des effets de la pandémie, de nombreuses conférences événementielles reviennent cette année à des formules en personne. La participation en personne aux congrès et aux événements a des répercussions plus importantes sur les personnes qui travaillent dans les secteurs de l’exploitation minière et des minéraux en plus de fournir des occasions que les voies numériques n’offrent pas. Minières O3 a fait des présentations lors de quelques événements importants en mai en plus de participer à des événements industriels fantastiques en juin. Consultez notre page Événements pour plus de détails.
121 Mining Investment London — 23 et 24 mai 2022
En mai, Minière O3 a fait une présentation au 121 Mining Investment London, qui est revenu à sa formule physique, permettant ainsi aux cadres de sociétés minières et aux investisseurs de se rencontrer en personne. 121 Mining Investment London favorise une utilisation très efficace du temps et des ressources. Ainsi, deux jours de rencontres individuelles permettent d’associer des projets à des capitaux d’investissement. De plus, l’événement présente un programme de conférences riche en information commerciale et en idées d’investissement.
La Deutsche Goldmesse – 27 et 28 mai 2022
La Deutsche Goldmesse est la principale conférence d’investissements en Allemagne. Elle réunit des investisseurs européens et des sociétés minières de premier plan, des explorateurs aux producteurs, dans un large éventail de produits de bases et de stades. Avec des rencontres individuelles organisées, la conférence met en relation les personnes de l’industrie minière tout en restant fidèle à ses racines allemandes.
Événements relatifs aux métaux et aux mines – juin 2022
The Metals Investor Forum — 11 et 12 juin 2022
À propos du Metals Investor Forum
Le Metals Investor Forum a été fondé sur deux grands principes : le caractère sélectif et la qualité.
The Metals Investor Forum offers investors the opportunity to meet the management teams of some of the leading companies in the mining industry. Exhibitors are handpicked to ensure high quality content and value. The editors of the Metals Investor Forum newsletter carefully select all presenters, exhibitors and attendees. They assess the management of potential companies, their project, their product, their territory and their financial situation to ensure that investors receive expert advice and meet only the best companies in the sector.
The first criterion on the list, strong management, is highlighted by all the editors of the newsletter as being essential to the success of a junior mining company. One of the benefits of participating in the Metals Investor Forum is the opportunity to meet mining company executives in person and ask them relevant questions about the direction of their projects.
Tier 1 Mining Conference, THE Event of the North – June 19-21, 2022
Held at the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac in Quebec City, THE Event is Canada’s premier invitation-only Level I conference for mining companies, accredited investors, financial institutions and funds. THE Event showcases the best of the Canadian mining industry to an international audience. It includes a diverse range of exploration, development, royalty and production companies representing all minerals and precious metals. The highlight of this event is the CEO panel and interview, known as “THE Talk”. THE Event also includes keynote speeches and panel discussions with well-known industry thought leaders. The program, which features companies, new sponsors, panels and keynotes,
Top 5 Reasons to Attend Mining Events in 2022
1. Learning from subject matter experts
Regardless of your experience or background, there’s always something new to learn from someone else. Attending mining conferences and conventions in person provides an opportunity to learn from other investors and leaders in commodities and precious commodities.
2. Networking opportunities
In today’s digital environment where most communication happens online, nothing is more valuable than in-person participation. Networking events allow for these crucial interactions and networking. The advantage of networking events is often to promote rapid networking that allows several exchanges in a short time. Participation in a mining event allows you to considerably expand your network in the sector.
3. Discovery of upcoming projects
As an investor, attending events can shed light on potential industry developments and projects in addition to giving you an idea of the company’s financial outlook.
4. A catalyst for partnerships
In-person interactions can help build trust and lay the groundwork for a future partnership. Investors frequently attend networking events and conferences to learn about emerging companies in the industry, and vice versa.
5. Inspiration
It’s easy to find inspiration by starting to network with like-minded people. Knowing what others in the industry are doing can inspire you to invest in a promising company. Many investors often leave events with new ideas and a list of companies to consider.
What you must remember
Attending a networking event or conference is sure to keep you informed, regardless of your industry.
Networking and conferences are essential to the success of the event. In particular, they make it possible to find inspiration, to learn about the sector, to increase notoriety and to forge essential links.