Minière O3 Recoupe 1,2 g / t Au Sur 28,2 Mètres Et 2,2 g / t Au Sur 5,1 Mètres Près De La Surface Du Secteur Simkar Sur La Propriété Alpha

25 février 2021

Minière O3 announce de nouveaux résultats du secteur Simkar alors qu’elle poursuit l’exploration du projet Alpha.




A Year
in Review

To Our
O3 Mining

What a year it has been! I want to personally thank you for supporting O3 Mining throughout this unprecedented time. At O3 Mining we experienced a year of tremendous growth as our exploration campaigns surpassed all expectations and we invested significant capital into our projects.

Our Year In Review

A Year
in Review

What a year it has been! I want to personally thank you for supporting O3 Mining throughout this unprecedented time. At O3 Mining we experienced a year of tremendous growth as our exploration campaigns surpassed all expectations and we invested significant capital into our projects.

Our Year In Review